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NLAB 3340 - Community Assessment Sources

Sources providing statistical data, and other types of information, at the national, state, and local level.

Crime and Fire

Crime and Fire    

Children's Bureau - This page features various statistical areas related to child welfare, such as adoption, foster care, and child maltreatment. Note that the data for each will vary in currency and coverage, but most information is at the national and state level.

Crime Data Explorer - This interactive tool from the FBI contains official, standardized crime statistics in the United States. These are divided into several areas, such as homicide, property crimes, number of officers killed, and state statistics. This source usually yields information at the national and state level, but some individual locations in various parishes are also available.

Louisiana (U.S. Fire Administration) - This resource contains statistical information regarding fire, such as number and type of incidents, and a link to the registry of fire departments. The statistical information is presented at the national and state level.

Uniform Crime Reports or Reference Room U.S. Documents Stacks - J 1.14/7:year - The Uniform Crime Reports program produces various publications from the FBI contain official, standardized crime statistics in the United States. While most of this data is available via the Crime Data Explorer, select publications such as Crime in the United States are easier to access from this area.