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NLAB 3340 - Community Assessment Sources

Sources providing statistical data, and other types of information, at the national, state, and local level.

Health, Hospitals, and Social Services

Health, Hospitals, and Social Services

Adolescent School Health Program - This webpage from the Louisiana Bureau of Family Health provides information on school based health centers.

Annual Infectious Disease Surveillance Reports - These reports from the Louisiana Department of Health offer information and statistics on various diseases, such as HIV/AIDs, E-coli, and rotavirus. The data is available at the state level.

Behavioral Health Service Providers - This webpage provides resources on behavioral health service providers, including online directories for a variety of services and downloadable documents with current facilities and providers that are updated regularly.

Children's Special Health Services - This webpage provides information regarding specialized health services for pediatrics in Louisiana. Resources include directories of helpful organizations and regional resources.

County Health Rankings, Louisiana or 4th Floor Louisiana Documents Stacks - H 1.2:CHR/year - This resource provides various statistics related to health, such as obesity, teen births, and doctor-to-patient ratios. It also includes social-economic factors and environmental factors. Most data is provided at the parish and state level.

Current Vital Event Data (State Center for Health Statistics) - This resource supplies statistical data on births, deaths, marriages, and divorces. Note that the coverage and currency of the statistics vary, but most are available at the state and parish level.

DHH Health Data Portal - This resource provides statistical information regarding Health, Environment, and Population that the Department of Health tracks. Descriptions of different topics covered can be found to the left under What We Track. Coverage and currency varies, but most are available at the state and parish level.

EMS Providers - This resource is a PDF that lists EMS providers in the state of Louisiana. It contains no data, but can assist in identifying EMS providers for a given area. The Louisiana Bureau of Emergency Medical Services compiled this list.

Facility Need Review Reports - This resource reports on the number of licensed and enrolled beds in Nursing Homes. The reports are divided by Parish but also feature city names.

Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services  - This official webpage provides descriptions of programs to help children and families, such as SNAP and foster care, as well as statistical information. Note that the coverage and currency of the statistics vary, but most are available at the state and parish level.

Louisiana Emergency Response Network - This official webpage provides statistics on areas such as stroke, burns, and other emergency medical situations. Data can be found at the state and regional level. Other relevant publications on these topics can also be located through this website.

Louisiana Health Report Card - This resource collects health information for the state of Louisiana in various categories, including major diseases, birth weights, and drug addictions. Statistical data is also included in the appendices. The chapters generally provide information at the state and national level. The statistical data, which includes information such as top causes of death, can provide information at the parish level.

Louisiana Parish Health Units - This online resource provides directory information for parish health units. In addition to contact information, the directory lists which services are provided at the parish health units. Note that there may be multiple parish health units near a particular location.

Office of Behavioral Health (DHH) - This webpage provides information relating to behavioral health in Louisiana, including mental health and addiction. Note that offices are located via region rather than parish.

VIA LINK (Community Resource Directory) - While not a government resource, VIALINK provides information regarding various community resources in areas such as health care, disaster services, and employment. Their searchable database of resources can provide city level information.

Well-Ahead Louisiana (DHH) - This webpage provides information relating to preventive resources and health care access, including a community resource guide.