Hurricane Ida (NWS): This webpage from the National Weather Service provides information like storm advisories, rainfall totals, and storm surge for Hurricane Ida.
Hurricane Ida (FEMA): This content page filters information with the keywords "Hurricane Ida." On the site, you can also filter to just Louisiana as a "Related Location" or DR-4611, which is the Disaster Number for this storm. This tool is most useful for seeing newer information, such as press releases, as they update.
Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (BLS): This webpage from the Bureau of Labor Statistics provides summarized business data for hurricane affected areas in tables and charts. Information is available for the state and some parishes
Louisiana Hurricane IDA 4611-DR-LA (FEMA): This is the webpage specifically for DR-4611-LA -- meaning all information relates to Hurricane Ida and Louisiana.
#IDA (NOAA): This webpage from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration collects social media information on the storm.
Hurricane IDA Advisory Archive (NOAA): This webpage from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has all text and graphic archives for advisories of Hurricane Ida. This webpage is where individuals can file for disaster assistance, including for Hurricane Ida.
Louisiana Public Libraries Map: The State Library of Louisiana has a map of public library locations in the state with updated information on their open status and WiFi availability.