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NURS 378: Research in Nursing

This guide provides resources and search strategies to assist students in NURS 378: Research in Nursing.


CINAHL Complete logo


Video Length: About 6 minutes (5:58)

CINAHL is a searchable database that indexes articles for over 1,300 nursing & allied health journals, including most of the ones permitted for your assignment. In this video, I demonstrate search tips and techniques for wording your topic, searching only allowed journals, applying relevant filters, and determining if any author is a nurse.

Nursing & Allied Health

logo ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Premium

Nursing & Allied Health Demo

Video Length: About 6 minutes (5:54)

Nursing & Allied Health is a searchable database that indexes articles for over 690 nursing & allied health journals, including many of the ones permitted for your assignment. In this video, I demonstrate search tips and techniques for wording your topic, searching only allowed journals, applying relevant filters, and determining if any author is a nurse.

Constructing Your Search

Tips for combining keywords

AND finds results mentioning all keywords.
Example: exercise AND endorphins

OR finds results mentioning either keyword.

Example: skin OR dermis OR epidermis

Parentheses () organize the search when combining AND and OR
Example: ("fish oil" OR supplements) AND triglycerides

Quotation marks "" searches for an exact phrase.

Example: "polycystic ovary syndrome"

An asterisk * finds multiple endings for root words.

Example: cardi* will find: cardiac, cardio, cardiovascular, etc.