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Common Read: Rich Cohen

This is a LibGuide designed to provide research and personal information sources related to Rich Cohen and his writings.

Jazz and Poetry

Jazz and Poetry have many common linkages: piercing the moment, improv of perceptions and sounds, etc...

Material Related to Jazz Poetry

Yusef Komunyakaa has a distinct literary style, which contains elements of jazz poetry (originating with the Beats), free verse, symbolisms of war, discourse on racial identity, etc. As you begin to think of research topics related to his work, consider some of these useful resources, which include a book and some article links. In the box underneath, I will post specific articles discussing the unique affectations, metaphor, and symbolisms of war poetry.

Material Related to War Poetry

Komunyakaa has a deep connection to the Vietnam war from his own experiences and those of his friends; his poems definitely feature the core agon (conflict) of existence, full of tenderness but also violence...the articles below  help provide a context in order to understand Vietnam-war poetry: how poetry survives amidst extreme violence; the unique juxtapositions of language to reflect the trauma of war;  and the powerful themes that arise from minds trying to find meaning in the madness of war - vacillating between horror and the transcendent.

Poetry and War

Wars cause dissension and chaos, leading many to question their identity and moral code. In the case of the Vietnam war era, charged also with the era of the civil rights and hippie movements, tensions were high and antiwar sentiments also became prominent. War poetry has existed from the beginning of time (e.g. Illiad, etc.) and only in retrospect can poets and writers sift their memories and make works of art from the horrifying nature of their experiences.

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