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CSD 6870: Research Methods & Designs

This Guide is prepared for Students in CSD 687, Research Methods in Communication Sciences & Disorders

Cite Your Sources

You will need to include documentation for the sources you use in your research papers and your thesis. This serves several purposes. It provides the reader with assistance in locating the sources you used, and it gives credit to the other researchers whose work you are using.

In this class, you will use the APA (American Psychological Association) style. The two manuals are shown in the right column.

Please see the Library Citing Resources Guide for further information and examples of APA citation.

Many students use the Purdue OWL(Online Writing Lab) APA Style Guide .


DOI Information

Introduction to DOIs

  1. DOI is an abbreviation for Digital Object Identifier.
  2. The Publication Manual for the American Psychological Association requires citations to include DOIs, when available, for online sources.
  3. You can use the CrossRef website to look up whether a journal article has a DOI.
  4. You can use the International DOI Foundation website to learn more about DOIs.

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association