Sims Memorial Library makes a good faith effort to adhere to the U.S. Copyright Law and Fair Use Guidelines. The following sources are among those reviewed in the creation of this policy.
United States Code, Title 17, Copyright Law. Sections 107 and 108 are applicable for library use. The Fair Use Guidelines, from Section 107, allows limited use of copyrighted works without permission; it suggests examination of these four factors: purpose and character of use; nature of the copyrighted work; amount and substantiality of work; and effect on the market for the original work.
Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Academic and Research Libraries - Association of Research Libraries
ALA’s Model Policy Concerning College and University Photocopying for Classroom, Research and Library Reserve Use
The Sims Memorial Library Circulation/Reserve Department supports the academic mission of Southeastern Louisiana University and acts as an extension of the classroom by providing access to supplementary course materials for specific classes. This service is provided upon instruction initiation, within the bounds of the Fair Use guidelines of the Copyright Act as described in Title 17, United States Code.
All materials submitted to course reserve are subject to copyright review by the Circulation/Reserve Supervisor or Head of Access Services.
Electronic Reserves
Acceptable Materials:
Under Fair Use guidelines, one chapter from a book may be placed on electronic reserve.
A single photocopy of a journal article from a non-library source may also be placed on course reserve.
Student-created materials require the student's written permission (add a FERPA release).
Ineligible Materials:
Any part of commercially published study guides, answer keys, workbooks, or solutions manuals without publisher permission.
Multiple chapters of a book.
Multiple articles from the same journal.
Physical Reserves
Acceptable Materials:
Materials owned by Sims Memorial Library (books, DVDs, CDs)
Personal copies of books, textbooks and audiovisual materials.
Materials written by the instructor and for which the instructor owns copyright.
Course packets prepared by a copyright clearance center or commercial copy center (Southeastern Document Source).