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OSHE 251 - Environmental Law Sources

This guide includes general legal and regulatory sources as well as sources specific to environmental law.

Municipal Codes

Municipal Codes

Municipal Directory - This searchable directory contains municipal data on towns, villages, and cities in Louisiana. Information included in the directory ranges from contact information to the official journal. - This website provides full text access to municipal codes from around the country.

Agency Websites

Federal Agencies

Environmental Protection Agency: Laws and Regulations - This webpage contains EPA resources and publications related to environmental laws and regulations. Resources can be viewed by topic or type (i.e. law, regulation).

Environmental Protection Agency: Policy, Guidance and Publications - This webpage contains EPA resources and publications related to enforcing environmental laws.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration: Laws and Regulations - This webpage contains OSHA resources and publications related to workplace health and safety laws and regulations.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration: Enforcement - This webpage contains OSHA resources and publications related to enforcing workplace health and safety laws.


Louisiana Agencies

Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) - The official website of the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality contains numerous resources, including rules and regulations.

Research Guides

Research Guides

Occupational Safety, Health, and Environment (Sims Library) - This LibGuide, designed specifically for Southeastern students, provides tools and information for occupational safety, health, and environment resources.

Guide to Law Online (Louisiana) (Library of Congress) - This website provides links to key Louisiana documents from all three branches of governments, as well as links to legal guides and general sources.

General Legal Research Sites (Law Librarians' Society of Washington D.C.) - This website provides links to free and commercial legal research sites.