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HIST 600 - Historical Research

Books and Encyclopedias

Browse the stacks---see what is available in print

DWorld History (except American History)

         Example:         The empire of the steppes; a history of central Asia         DS785 .G8313 1970 

E – American History

         Example:         The iron way : railroads, the Civil War, and the making of modern America         E491 .T53 2011

F Local History of the United States and British, Dutch, French, and Latin America

         Example:         When the whippoorwill sang : a memoir of rural life during the twilight of the segregated South   F377 .B6 F67 2008


Encyclopedias can be an excellent source of background information when you are beginning research on a new topic

Encyclopedias (--a sampling of over 500 electronic and print available at our library--)

The Oxford encyclopedia of American social history, 2012

Historical encyclopedia of U.S. presidential use of force, 1789-2000

Revolts, protests, demonstrations, and rebellions in American history: an encyclopedia, 2011

World history encyclopedia, 2011

The encyclopedia of Middle East wars : the United States in the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq conflicts

Ireland and the Americas, 2008

Slavery in the United States : a social, political, and historical encyclopedia, 2007